Rotating Pediatric Neurology Fellows - Activities & Responsibilities

For the Pediatric Neurology Fellows rotating through the Neuropathology Division: All of us in the Division of Neuropathology want you to have a profitable and pleasant rotation on this service. The following guidelines will clarify our expectations.

  1. The daytime working hours in the Division of Neuropathology are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  2. We need the phone numbers, pager numbers and addresses of all trainees and staff.
  3. Permission for absence from the laboratory must be obtained from Dr. Wiley. A short note should request and specify the time-off and the reasons. Once permission is obtained, the resident will inform Karen Weber and the Neuropathology Fellow. Written requests for vacation time during the rotation must be approved by Dr. Wiley and coordinated with the Neuropathology Fellow at the beginning of the rotation.
  4. If for any reason, you are going to be late, or if you are sick, the division secretary must be notified, 412-624-9415, preferably before starting time.
  5. Residents will check the surgical schedules every afternoon to distill and present relevant clinical histories and imaging reports the afternoon before the intraoperative consultation.
  6. Residents will review and distill relevant imaging and EMR on all autopsies for presentation at Friday brain cutting.
  7. Required reading:
    • Robbins Neuropathology Chapter
    • Prayson Neuropathology
  8. Required testing:
    • One Blackboard quiz from each of the modules.
    • Pediatric Neuropathology "Test A" at beginning and "Test B" at end of rotation.
  9. Required Didactics:
    • Review at least one Neuropathology Case Study per day.
    • Create 2 Neuropathology case studies geared for medical students per month.
  10. Required conferences:
  11. Complete self-evaluation and evaluation of rotation.
  12. Visual aids (e.g. 3-D models) should never be taken from the Neuropathology Signout room. Replace them in the proper place on the shelf and in the proper order.
  13. Books in the Neuropathology Signout Room may be used at any time during daytime working hours, but should never be removed from the room.