Rotating Ophthalmology Residents - Goals and Expectations

Goals for Ophthalmology Resident:

  1. Gain familiarity with normal appearance of ocular structures submitted to pathology.
  2. Learn to evaluate and document common histopathologic reactions in the eye.
  3. Learn importance of clinician-pathologist communication, including achieving proper orientation for corneal and conjunctival biopsies.
  4. Begin to appreciate the gross and histologic appearance of important non-neoplastic corneal, conjunctival, and retinal vitreous diseases, and the major intraocular and conjunctival neoplasms.

Expectations for Ophthalmology Resident:

  1. The rotation hours are Tuesdays from 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
  2. Be on time or call ahead (412-624-9415) if emergency comes up.  Coordinate with the NP fellow to preview enucleations, track down history, and examine a few microscopic cases prior to weekly signout that typically begins at 9:00 AM.  Christina Romanello in Room S701 Scaife hall can provide name and office location of the NP fellow that is on service.  Enucleation conference is in A808 Scaife Hall and Microscopic signout in A720 Scaife Hall.
  3. Remember to coordinate and notify dates of vacation or cross coverage in advance.
  4. The ophthalmology resident is responsible for completing self-study according to the EyePathUnknown Excel sheet and Reading Assignments Word doc, regardless of ability to attend Tuesday enucleation and microscopic conferences for that week.
  5. Pre-viewing slides for 2-3 cases before signout and writing down histologic observations and diagnostic impression prior to signout is strongly recommended for PGY2 residents and required for PGY3 residents.
  6. PGY3 (second year) ophthalmology residents should identify a case that they have seen with Dr. Chu or Dr. Kofler on their rotation that has sufficient clinical information (ideally images) and pathologic photographs to prepare a Powerpoint clinicopathologic correlation teaching case.  The Ophthalmology Resident CPC Checklist should be filled out, signed by the attending pathologist and given to Mary after each rotation.