Rotating Neuroradiology Fellows - Goals and Expectations

Goals for Neuroradiology Fellow:

  1. Gain familiarity with normal gross appearance of fixed human brain.
  2. Learn to evaluate and document common histopathological reactions in the brain.
  3. Learn importance of clinician-pathologist communication.
  4. Learn gross and histologic appearance of important neoplastic and non-neoplastic neurological diseases.

Expectations for Neuroradiology Fellow:

  1. The rotation hours are weekdays from 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  2. Be on time or call ahead (412-624-9415) if emergency comes up.  Coordinate with the NP fellow to preview surgical pathology cases, track down radiological studies, and examine a few microscopic cases prior to daily sign out.  Christina Romanello in Room S701 Scaife Hall can provide name and office location of the NP fellow that is on service. 
  3. Coordinate and notify dates of vacation or cross coverage in advance.
  4. Pre-viewing slides for 2-3 cases before sign out and writing down histologic observations and diagnostic impression prior to sign out is strongly recommended for PGY2 residents and required for PGY3 residents.
  5. Prepare for and participate in brain cutting and QA conferences.